Well, there were a bunch of very cool packing tape shoes made last Friday. And there were three new people which made it just about the biggest group we've had on a Friday. I got a few pictures before my camera batteries croaked...of all things to forget to check!
That's about half the group in the first picture. Berkeley, with her back to you, made a cowboy boot. Next is Paula and her Shimmering Sneaker. I met Paula through a Yahoo group--it was a while before I realized she lived right up the street! Then there's Lily's legs and her Dear Sweetie Pie shoes. Yes, she plans to wear them, if she can come up with some way to fill the (hollow) heels.
There's a picture of one more shoe that I didn't photograph here. Maybe those others of you who didn't get photographed would be kind enough to send me pictures?? Or post'em on your own blogs and I'll put up a link.
Sunday, January 20
The Shoes!
Wednesday, January 16
Shoes, shoes, shoes!
OK. As promised, and just in time for this Friday's Art Party, packing tape shoes. I've been playing around--that is to say experimenting--and it's hard to stop once you get going. I'm wrapping all sorts of things in packing tape. These are a few of the shoes in progress. The two clear ones are going to get more "stiff" on them. The green one...I think that bow on the heel has to go
Some things I've been using in the shoes: copies of old photos, newspaper clippings, clip art, magazine clippings, wrapping paper, ephemera, paper lace, flat ribbon, pressed flowers...well you get the idea. And there's no end to what you can attach to the outside once they're all built.For those of you who are coming Friday--bring a shoe or shoes. Bring your "Stuff" or you can rummage through mine. (But mine won't be as personal as yours.) I have scissors to share but if you want your very own, bring them. I will provide tape--I've found one I think works best.
See you!
Wednesday, January 9
Wednesday, January 2
Happy New Year
Well, here it is 2008. Already the 2nd, by about an hour. I spent most of the day and all evening in the studio. If what you do on New Year's Day is what you'll do all year, then I'm going to have a wonderful year of artifying. I avoided any cleaning, arranging, sorting or tidying...I just made stuff. So I think I'm safe.
I'm not a resolution-maker by any means, but I dearly want this to be a year of Doing Things Differently. And I want it to be a year of Using My Cool Stuff. I have so much cool stuff in the studio that I don't even know what I have. I keep chanting "You haven't saved it until you've used it. You haven't saved it until you've used it." I think I finally, truly BELIEVE that. Now I want to use it.Here are some new and old Artistamps I've made. I made some more this evening but didn't bring them home to scan. All of these were issued by the Ephemeroptera Post or the Royal Ipomoeian Postal Authority...more on those another time.